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New GETS Higher Exam

The GETS Higher Proficiency Test

Accurate, Secure & Tests all Four Language Skills 

Qualifications & Assessments International, UK

The comprehensive test development is backed by years of research by Qualifications and Assessments International (QAI) in the UK.


GETS Higher is secrure, accurante and affordble. It's now available in Thailand!

The GETS Higher Proficiency Exam assesses English language skills using contemporary settings.

GETS Higher is four separate tests that assess all four language skills—Reading, Listening, and Speaking & Writing— that can be taken together or separately as individual test modules.

UK NARIC Study—CEFR Validation

UK NARIC Validates GETS Higher Exam

GETS Higher is the first English proficiency exam to be validated by UK NARIC.

They performed an independent evaluation, benchmarking the GETS Higher exam against the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR).


UK NARIC is the designated United Kingdom national agency for the recognition and comparison of international qualifications.


It performs this official function on behalf of the UK Government.

UK NARIC has found the GETS Higher English language proficiency test comparable to CEFR B2 standard where a minimum score of 75/100 is achieved, CEFR B1 standard where a minimum score of 50/100 is achieved, and CEFR A2 where a minimum score of 25/100 is achieved


The Executive Summary details the UK NARIC approval, which validates GETS Higher as a secure English language exam mapped to the CEFR.

Who Should Use this Test?

PTT Thailand staff taking GETS Higher Exams
  • Schools and Universities can assess the English proficiency levels of their current students, enabling the planning of suitable language development programs. The test is also useful to higher education institutions as part of their student enrolment procedures.

  • Corporate Training Companies It supports the screening of job applicants on the basis of essential English proficiency levels required for specific roles in an organization.

  • Human Resource Departments use it to check the English level of employees and they can use it to decide what level of training employees need.

GETS Higher Exam

Results are Aligned to the CEFR

The GETS Higher Exam's results are reported in the GETS Scale of English and they are aligned to the CEFR. 

You can see/download a sample Test Report Form below.

The Common European Framework of Reference—or CEFR—measures language ability in a scale of six levels, which start from A1 for beginners to C2 for native English speakers or those who have mastered the language.


The CEFR is the industry standard for measuring language proficiency and a key resource for educational policy worldwide.

CEFR--Measuring English Proficiency

GETS Higher Test Highlights:

  • Assesses all four language skills (Listening, Reading, Writing & Speaking)

  • Choose the full test (Listening/Reading/Writing/Speaking) or to take any one test module at a time.

  • On-demand test dates (conditions apply).

  • Quick result release (immediate to 7 business days).

  • Writing & Speaking modules marked by certified examiners.

  • Secure test administration.

  • Internet-based test or paper-based test delivery.

  • Communicative proficiency and use of English language in social, educational and workplace settings.

  • Customization possibilities for corporate organizations.. 

  • The Listening Exam
    4 parts 30 questions Approximately 35 – 40 minutes Recordings played twice Approximate track length: Part 1 = 1.5 to 2 mins Part 2 = 3 to 3.5 mins Part 3 = 3.5 to 4 mins. Part 4 = 3.5 to 4 mins. Listening Skills Assessed In the listening module, the questions are designed to check a variety of listening skills: Listening for specific information and details (e.g. names, numbers, currency, timings) Listening for detailed meaning Listening for attitude and opinion of the speaker Listening for gist, main idea or overall meaning Task Types The question paper has the following types of questions: Three option multiple-choice Gap-fill Table completion True / False Text Sources The listening texts are adapted from authentic or real-world materials: Announcements Dialogues Discussions Interviews Lectures Monologues Presentations Radio programs Talks Telephone conversations The setting of the listening texts are both familiar and commonplace as well as outside the usual experience. The recordings use a variety of accents: American, Asian, Australian, British and Canadian and others. Marking: One mark for each correct answer. No negative marking for incorrect answers.
  • The Reading Exam
    Test duration: 60 minutes Approximate length of reading texts Part 1 = 250 to 300 words. Part 2 = 200 to 250 words. Part 3 = 400 to 450 words. Part 4 = 500 to 550 words Part 5 = 400 to 450 words. Marking: One mark for each correct answer No negative marking for incorrect answers. Reading Skills Assessed In the Reading module, the questions are designed to test a wide range of reading skills that include: Reading for gist and global meaning Reading for specific information and details Reading to understand the main ideas Reading for detailed comprehension Reading to interpret information Understanding attitudes & opinions and writer’s purpose Following text organization features Understanding text structure Understanding meaning from context Task Types The following types of questions are included: Gapped text Multiple matching 3 option and 4 option multiple-choice questions True / False / Not given Text Sources The test is designed using authentic or adapted real-world materials such as: Advertisements Articles from newspapers, magazines and websites Brochures Data information sheets Encyclopedia entries Manuals Messages Notices Personal correspondence Reports Number of questions: A total of 30 questions. Marking: One mark for each correct answer. No negative marking for incorrect answers.
  • The Writing Exam
    3 tasks. Test Duration: 60 minutes Approximate length of reading texts: Part 1 = 35 to 40 words Part 2 = 90 to 120 words. Part 3 = 180 to 200 words. Writing assessment criteria: Ask Fulfilment / Test Realization Organisation & Cohesion Language – Accuracy and Range Marking is done by Certified Examiners Writing Skills Assessed In the Writing module, the questions are designed to assess the following: Task Fulfilment or Task Realization This basically grades whether you have answered the question fully. It marks whether you have addressed all parts of the task and covered all requirements of the task sufficiently. Organization and Cohesion Organizing your writing, coherence and cohesion normally go together. It basically checks how your writing fits together. Does your writing, with its ideas and content, flow logically? Coherence is how you are making yourself understood and whether the reader of your writing understands what you are saying Language – Accuracy and Range Academic Writing requires the use of correct language including vocabulary, grammar, sentence construction etc. and being able to appropriately use precise language to present ideas accurately. To demonstrate that you have great language skills you must use a variety of words and a range of structures. Task Types The test taker is expected to be writing the following: Task 1: Write an e-mail, note or a short personal letter. You must write between 35-40 words Task 2: Compare, contrast and summarize the key points of input data or graphical information. You must write between 90-120 words Task 3: Present a piece of discursive writing as a summary of the arguments for and against a particular view point and one’s opinion about a topic or subject of general interest. You may be required to outline a problem, present a solution or their opinion and justify it. You must write between 180-200 words
  • The Speaking Exam
    5 parts Approximately 14 minutes Test is taken on a Computer (Face to face Video based test with an Examiner can be arranged. Contact an Authorised Test Centre for details.) Marking is done by Certified Examiners Speaking assessment criteria: Task achievement, fluency & coherence, pronunciation and grammar and vocabulary Speaking Skills Assessed In the Speaking module, the questions are designed to assess the following: Task Achievement Task Achievement basically grades you on whether ‘you have answered the question’ or done what you were required to do. It marks whether you have covered all requirements of the task sufficiently and if you spoke, highlighted and illustrated the key points when speaking. Fluency and Coherence This checks your ability to talk with normal levels of continuity, rate and effort and to link ideas and language together to form coherent, connected speech. Key indicators of fluency are speech rate and speech continuity. Pronunciation Your ability to produce comprehensible speech to fulfil the speaking test requirements is marked under Pronunciation. Key indicators of Pronunciation are the amount of strain caused to the listener, the amount of speech which is unintelligible and the noticeability of L1 influence (first language influence) Grammar and Vocabulary This assesses your range and approximate use of grammatical resources. The key indicators are the length and complexity of the spoken sentences, the appropriate use of subordinate clauses and the range of sentence structures, especially to move elements around for information focus. It also covers the variety of words used and the precision with which meanings and attitudes can be expressed. This tests your ability to use appropriate words and to circumlocute. Speaking Task Types There is a variety of Speaking tasks across the five parts: Part 1: Answer questions on family, home, interests, study, work and other familiar topics. Part 2: Read aloud four sentences. Part 3: Talk on a general topic for 1 minute. You are provided verbal prompts and have 30 seconds to prepare your talk. Part 4: Make comparisons between two pictures on a related theme. You need to talk for 1-2 minutes. Part 5: Answer general questions related to the theme of the pictures in Part 4. You should express your views and feelings, expand and support ideas and provide extended responses.

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GETS Higher Test Report Form

PTT Chooses GETS
   Four years running

The GETS Pro Proficiency Exam was selected to assess the English proficiency levels of 2024 YP2G candidates in Thailand. This is the fourth year running the GETS exam was selected.

Young People to Globalization Program (YP2G) is a Human Resource development program that targets talented young PTT personnel who are trained to work in PTT business ventures and development projects in Asia and throughout the world. A key criterion is to ascertain the English proficiency levels of candidates who are applying to the program. 

The GETS English Proficiency Exam is the first proficiency level test to be independently verified by UK NARIC—the United Kingdom national agency to recognize and compare international qualifications.

According to the Association for Talent Development (ATD), a world-renowned human resource development organization, PTT’s YP2G program is a highly innovative program that has been cited in its member network of more than 120 member countries around the world

The Petroluem Authority of Thailand (PTT) choose GETS exams
PTT staff taking GETS exams
Candidates for PTT’s Young People to Globalization Program (YP2G)
Candidates for PTT’s Young People to Globalization Program (YP2G)
Candidates for PTT’s Young People to Globalization Program (YP2G)
Candidates for PTT’s Young People to Globalization Program (YP2G)
The Petroluem Authority of Thailand (PTT) choose GETS exams

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GETS Placement Test
GETS Higher Exam
GETS-Advanced Exam
GETS Nursing English Proficiency Exam

GETS Placement

GETS Higher

GETS Advanced

GETS Nursing

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